In this project, I firstly assembled the robot arm parts provided by the instructor into a complete robot arm, and then used GH to build its kinematic model to control it. Next, after error analysis and adjustment, I designed and tested the end effector to prepare for the final project. The final project is about a vault fabrication which is formed by the RhinoVault plug-in based on 3D graphic statics. However, due to limited time and low accuracy of servors, I have to use laser cutting rather than the robotic arm to complete the final fabrication. However, in the future I will continue to study how to achieve high-precision robotic arms at low cost, so as to realize the real democratization of robotic arms.

Robotic Arm Democratization |  Digital Tools & Fabrication

Research on Mechanism of The Robotic Arm & Fabrication Practice


Orthogonal Branching System


Digital Mural