Chenming He

Areas of Expertise:

Computational Design
Digital Fabrication
Digital Tool Development
Interactive Design

"As an architect, I try to be guided not by habit but by a conscious sense of the past-by precedent, thoughtfully considered...As an artist, I frankly write about what I like in architecture: complexity and contradiction. From what we find we like-what we are easily attracted to-we can learn much of what we really are."

-- Robert Venturi --

Chasing Complexity has always been a consistent theme in my designs. In the real world, what attracts me most is the unimaginable diversity and adaptability caused by the complicated connection of various factors. For these natural essences, I always believe that they should never be simply and rudely ignored, but should be discovered, cherished, developed, and displayed. Due to this reason, my design always shows my attempts to explore the contradictions and complexity generated among architectures, cities, society, nature, human emotions, and art.
