How might emergent space-filling computational methodologies generate adaptive architecture in Chinese rural area

Master’s Thesis for M.S Matter Design Computation program

[DATE] Jan 2023 - Present [Still in progress]

[INSTRUCTOR] Jenny Sabin

[Project Type] Individual project

[Abstract] Here is the progress of my master thesis in the 23 Spring semester. It’s the first semester for my thesis, we were asked to raise our thesis questions and tried to develop our digital tools and complete some prototypes. For me, I’ve explored lots of space-filling algorithms since I entered this MDC program, so I tried to use them to solve some culture loss problems happening in Chinese rural areas. Specifically, for this semester, I mainly focused on how to use topology optimization to guide differential growth algorithms to generate optimal 3D printing toolpaths, aiming to bring one traditional material — earth — back to live. I made some progress, but the research still has lots of space to explore, so I’ll keep moving on in the next year… Stay tuned!

Section 1. Thesis Question

There are three key words in the question:

What I want to do is to use computational methods to bring back traditional architecture materials. I chose to start with rammed earth wall first.

After lots of literature reviews, I think 3D earth printing is more promising than compacting earth method. ( Pictures below are linked to the original sources )

And then there is a toolpath problem in the 3D printing field: the toolpath generated by most of traditional infill generation methods cannot be continuous and without any sharp corners at the same time. This result will lead to lots of problems which might not be very obvious when printing small particle materials like PLA, but can be very critical when printing large particle materials like earth, clay or concrete. To be more specific, sharp corners will cause over-extrusion which might cause material uneven distribution in large-scale printing, and if the toolpath is not continuous, it will keep the nozzle turning on and off causing some damage to the machine and also might generate lots of hairspring-like residual materia in the prints. Some scholars have already tried to provide some solutions. But I think space-filling patterns might be very suitable to contribute a different solution to this topic.

Section 2. Research Method

In my previous Phantom project, I explored the Differential Growth algorithm. And since this algorithm can generate continuous curves without any sharp corners, I think it might be very suitable to generate optimal toolpaths. So I tried to do more exploration and discover more of its potential and limit.

Major Updates 1. Various Collision Radiuses & Various Pattern Density

Major Updates 2. Mesh Growth

Section 3. Infill Generating Algorithm & PLA Printing Tests

With more control and deeper understanding of this algorithm, I started to use this algorithm to generate infill toolpath, and did some printing tests. I used two forms below to test the robustness of the algorithm:

Printing Test 1. Continuous Toolpath

Here is a comparison between the Differential Growth infill and normal infill, obviously, DG infill is more continuous and without any hard corners.

Printing Test 2. Adaptive to Varying Sections

Compared with normal infill, DG infill can keep the same topology configuration and more adaptive to shape changes

Printing Test 3. Proliferation

Section 4. Clay Printing Tests

Basic Printing Tests

Combination with Topology Optimization

I found the DG infill is lacking inner connections, so this infill is not good for literal force. To make it to become more meaningful in structure aspect, I tried to use topology optimization to guide the infill generation

Scale-up Straight Wall

Wavy Wall

Voxel Elements

Future Plan:


Rebuild Cat Trees